SREE 2023 Conference Embedding Equity for Better Methods, Evidence, and Practice
A Message from the Program Co-Chairs
Building on the SREE 2022 conference—"From Reckoning to Racial Justice: Centering Underserved Communities in Research on Educational Effectiveness”—the SREE 2023 conference theme is about truly embedding equity into our research and practice. Doing so may require expanding our notion of what counts as evidence for decision making. We contend that doing so is the right thing for science and for society. To harness this integration and produce better, more relevant, more actionable evidence, we suggest considering the following: • embedding an equity orientation and equitable practices into experimental impact evaluations • embedding lived and front-line expertise with research independence • weaving qualitative and quantitative approaches together in producing evidence of educational improvement • embedding an equity focus into outcome measurement • integrating internal and external validity for rigorous, balanced, and useful evidence • integrating causal inference methods into capacity building and practice
There may be additional dimensions of integration that each of you will prioritize; and we are excited to learn more about those as well. We recognize that some of these concepts–as methods or practices–may, at times, seem at odds with one another; in response, they may feel uncomfortable to advance. But, if any community can be successful at embedding equity for better methods, evidence, and practice, it’s SREE! We welcome a range of perspectives and are flexible in our approaches, all in the spirit of generating quality, useful evidence on educational effectiveness.
In support of the content of this theme, we are also updating the format of SREE conference sessions to facilitate the kinds of discussions we hope to have. You will see that we are asking all conference submissions to explain how (1) the authors reflect various dimensions of diversity, (2) they will connect across methods, topic areas, and policy and practice, and (3) they will engage conference participants in the sessions, thinking and sharing their diverse perspectives and expertise.
Constance Lindsay, University North Carolina - Chapel Hill, and Laura Peck, Abt Associates SREE 2023 Conference Program Co-Chairs