Year-Round Visibility and Recognition
SREE website
Premier logo placement
Prominent logo placement
Secondary logo placement
Secondary logo placement
Logo/Name in Member Newsletter
Premier logo placement in all newsletters
Prominent logo placement in all newsletters
Logo inclusion in two newsletters
Organization name included in two newsletters
Program Underwriting
Options include: Women in Quant, Graduate Student Programming, Researchers of Color, Conference Plenaries, Conference Sections
Exclusive sponsor for preferred program, year-round webinars and associated programming
Included as sponsor for preferred program year-round
Included as sponsor for preferred program
[conference only]
Annual Conference: September 2024 in-person event
Speaking Opportunities
Option for representative to deliver full-conference welcome remarks
Exclusive host of one concurrent session with remarks; option to deliver remarks
Exclusive host of one concurrent session; option to deliver remarks
Option to deliver remarks at one concurrent session
Logo placement on attendee badges and physical + virtual event signage
Host branded conference break or presentation
Premier logo placement on physical + virtual signage
Host branded conference break or presentation
Logo placement on physical + virtual signage
Logo placement on physical + virtual signage
Exhibitor Benefits
Premier exhibitor space (in person + virtual) included
Exhibitor space (in person + virtual) included
Exhibitor space (in person + virtual) included
Pre-Event Exposure
Organization's video included in “Before You Go” virtual kit
Premier logo/hyperlink included in “Before You Go” virtual kit
Logo/hyperlink included in “Before You Go” virtual kit
Logo/hyperlink included in “Before You Go” virtual kit
Additional Benefits
SREE Membership
Institutional membership included or available as transfer to designated organization
Institutional membership included or available as transfer to designated organization
Individual membership included or available to transfer