The SREE Board of Directors has appointed Shaun Dougherty, Boston College, as the next Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (JREE). Dougherty will serve a three-year term, beginning with Volume 16, Issue 1, to be published January 2023. Dougherty’s own research emphasizes the use of quantitative research methods to evaluate the impact of educational policies and programs. As a longtime member of SREE, he has served on the editorial board of JREE and led the student’s SREE summer research fellowship program. On the appointment, Dougherty notes: "It’s a privilege to be asked to step in as editor in chief for the Journal for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Both SREE and JREE have been central to my own development as an academic and fostering my academic community, and I’m excited to step into a leadership role to help shape scholarship and build on the prior successes of the journal and organization.” Dougherty will be working with SREE’s Board of Directors over the next month in assembling a team of corresponding editors. The new team will be working closely with the outgoing editorial team, led by Michael Weiss, MDRC, to learn the ropes of running the Journal. The Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (JREE) is the flagship publication of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE) and publishes original articles from the multidisciplinary community of researchers who are committed to applying principles of scientific inquiry to the study of educational problems. |