November-December 2019 Newsletter
CONFERENCE NEWS Practical Significance and Meaningful Effects: Learning and Communicating What Matters, March 11-14, 2020
A More Accessible SREE Conference: Announcing a New Special Registration Rate for Government Employees
SREE is pleased to announce that in 2020, government employees at all levels (school district, city, state, and federal) will be eligible to register for the conference, Practical Significance and Meaningful Effects: Learning and Communicating What Matters, at the reduced rate of $175.
One of the key ingredients to a good professional conference is opportunities for networking. To do that well, a conference needs to be inclusive and accessible to all its intended audiences. Based on our post-conference survey feedback, we learned that the conference registration fee was a roadblock for many in the SREE community working in district and government positions. We hope this change will allow professionals interested in conducting and using rigorous education research, regardless of where they work, to come to the conference to learn and share the latest in causal education research findings.
Registration opens December 5, 2019. In order to secure the best rates, register by February 10, 2020.
Researchers of Color (ROC) to Hold Organizational Meeting
SREE is pleased to announce the creation of ROC: Researchers of Color. This affinity group will be holding an organizational breakfast on Thursday, March 12, at the SREE Spring 2020 Conference. Attendees will have the opportunity to help shape ROC and the activities/supports it will offer, as well as network with other SREE attendees. The effort is being led by Lashawn Richburg-Hayes, Insight Policy Research, Wendy Castillo, The Research Alliance for New York City Schools, Sarah Peko-Spicer, Northwestern University, and Heather McCambly, Northwestern University. More information to come!
SREE Pre-Conference Workshops
Six pre-conference workshops will be offered on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. The workshops give participants the opportunity to dive deeper into a particular method or content area than a regular conference session allows, and in many cases, to walk away with a heightened understanding of a new tool or resource for their work. The workshops are:
Using School-Level Data from the Stanford Education Data Archive, led by Sean F. Reardon, Andrew D. Ho, Benjamin R. Shear, and Erin M. Fahle; Time to Event Analyses in Educational Research: A Practical Tour to Surviving the Game of Thrones, led by Sabrina Zadrozny & Jess Edwards; What Would It Take to Change Your Inference? Quantifying the Discourse about Causal Inferences in the Social Sciences, led by Ken Frank; Designing Monte Carlo Simulations for Power Analysis (and Other Things): A Hands-on Workshop Using R, led by James Pustejovsky and Luke Miratrix; Social Network Analysis, presented by Tracy Sweet; and Methods for Assessing the Use of Research Evidence in Policy and Practice, presented by Kim Dumont.
These workshops, open to all conference attendees, require registration. Cost to attend is $100. Select the workshop you would like to attend during conference registration, which opens December 5, 2019.
Abstract Decisions
SREE decision notifications will go out in early December. If you do not receive a message regarding your abstract submission, please email us at [email protected].
SREE Announces New Board Members
SREE welcomes Rekha Balu, MDRC, James Kim, Harvard University, and Beth Tipton, Northwestern University (all pictured above) to the organization’s Board of Directors. Their three-year terms will begin on January 1, 2020.

Also on January 1, Lashawn Richburg-Hayes, Insight Policy Research and current SREE Board member, will assume the role of SREE President-Elect. She will serve in this role for one year, and then become SREE President on January 1, 2021.
SREE thanks out-going Past-President Rebecca Maynard, University of Pennsylvania, and out-going Board members Bridget Terry Long, Harvard University, and John Lawrence Aber, New York University for their service.
SREE 2019 Summer Fellows Present Their Work at Grantmakers for Education
The inaugural class of SREE summer fellows presented their findings to their foundation clients in September 2019 and shared those findings at the Grantmakers for Education Conference on October 23 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The presentation added another professional development opportunity to the summer fellowship experience, gave the students a chance to meet the individuals for whom they had worked for remotely, and provided an excellent networking opportunity. SREE 2019 Summer Fellow presenters were Heather McCambly of Northwestern University, Cyrell Roberson of University of California - Berkeley, and Kate Caton of Georgia State University. SREE members can read the executive summaries here.
Thank you to SREE's 2019 Institutional Members and Sponsors!
American Institutes for Research Arnold Ventures Wallace Foundation
Institutional Members
Abt Associates AEM Corporation American Institutes for Research Decision Information Resources Florida Center for Reading Research IMPAQ International Insight Policy Research Johns Hopkins University Mathematica Policy Research MDRC Michigan State University New York University IHDSC Research for Action Stanford Graduate School of Education Wake Technical Community College Wallace Foundation Westat WestEd
Don’t see your organization on this list? Learn more about how to make your institution stand out as a SREE supporter through our institutional membership and sponsorship opportunities for 2020.
Support SREE in Your Year-End Giving
Did you know that you can make a tax-deductible donation to SREE? Your investment allows us to support the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, student and government employee attendance at the SREE conference, and professional development opportunities.
Make a donation in someone’s honor, and we will notify them via email.
Recent postings include openings for an Assistant Professor in educational leadership and policy at the University of Vermont and an Assistant Professor in children’s learning development-pediatrics at the McGovern Medical School.